4 DESCRIPTIVE WRITING Writing Lesson Plan Title: Descriptive Paragraph Time Frame: 50 minute lesson Assumptions: Students have learned basic parts of speech (verb, pronoun, adjective) in previous lessons. Materials Needed • More About the USA text • Writing Power 1 text • Beach or other distinctive place picture (See Appendix A) 9/30/ · A detailed lesson plan on paragraph writing 1. A DETAILED LESSON PLAN ON PARAGRAPH WRITING I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: a. write a well structured paragraph, effectively and creatively; b. identify the different steps and important terms to remember in writing; c. organized their collected thoughts or ideas into a well written paragraph Lesson 12 - Examine the “Paragraph Writing” rubric. - Use worksheet “Write a Super Paragraph” and ask students to independently write their sentences by referring to the “Pre-writing Web”. - Use the “Before I Compose and Create” checklist. Lesson 13 - Use “Word” in the computer lab
Paragraph Writing Lesson Plan | Paragraph | Halloween
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You can change your ad preferences anytime. A detailed lesson plan on paragraph writing. Upcoming SlideShare. Like this document? Why not share! TEACHING OF WRITING SAMPLE LESSON PLAN by Joy Avelino views Sample of writing lesson plan by Akmal Ariffin views. Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end.
WordPress Shortcode. EducationTechnology. Like Liked. Christine Watts. Senior High School Teacher at AAFI. Full Name Comment goes here. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Saumalelupe Tupua. Irene Castillo Astrero. Fernan Sabaria. Show More. No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. A detailed lesson plan on paragraph writing 1. A DETAILED LESSON PLAN ON PARAGRAPH WRITING I. write a well structured paragraph, effectively and creatively; b. identify the different steps and important terms to remember in writing; c.
organized their collected thoughts or ideas into a well written paragraph; d. appreciate the lesson by discovering their hidden skills and talents in writing, with all the joy it could bring to them. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Paragraph writing III.
MATERIALS Introduction to paragraph writing hand out Paragraph writing worksheets: - Jack and the beans stalk scrambled paragraph motivation activity to test what they already know about organizing a paragraph - paragraph writing templates and more scrambled paragraph worksheets practice and assessment Visual aids paragraph writing template and vocabulary chart Mini-journal for writing personal thoughts IV.
LESSON PROPER A. Anyone who wants to lead the prayer? Heavenly father…. Good morning class! Good morning Teacher! Is there any absent today? Paragraph writing lesson plan pdf will be a part of another exciting day of learning. Is everybody ready to think, have fun and learn? Motivation Okay, 1 — 2 — 3 pretty eyes and sharp ears on me. Before we start with our lesson, I want you to group yourselves into six. students will start grouping themselves Each group will cooperatively work on this activity.
Distributing the worksheet for each group This is a story of a boy, but everything seems screwed up and making no sense. So, each group will fix it and name the title of this story. First group to finish will get a prize. Any questions bunch of honeybees?
Five minutes to do this ok? Okay class times up and we have a winner! Group leader of the winning group, how did you fix the story? Do you know the proper steps or structure of organizing a paragraph? Or you did it because you know the story and very familiar on all paragraph writing lesson plan pdf events and details of the story? We know the story. And what is the title of the story? and you are not familiar with it, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf, what if it is about a certain topic or ideas?
Will it be easy for you to organize a certain paragraph that you will be reading for the first time? That is why it is important for us to learn the steps in writing a paragraph.
Just like your own life story, every detailed things should start with a good paragraph writing lesson plan pdf, and everything on it should be composed of a well written paragraph. Just like our own life, our story, thoughts or ideas should be written properly. Now pay attention and listen to every details of our lesson, you will discover how enjoyable writing is and may also discover your own hidden talents in writing, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf.
Presentation Why do we write? Do you know that writing is full of fun and it can paragraph writing lesson plan pdf you to be more confident and be proud of yourself?
May or may not answer. You like it? Is it really WOW? According to our book, there are bunches of reasons on why we need to write read the visual aids and explain further.
Exciting right? Those reasons were all part of all the events or possible events of our life, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf. All we need to do is write right now, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf, and let the world hear our voice through writing. Here are the steps in writing and we will start with learning to write the super effective and creative paragraph and all the rest will follow.
Any idea on how to write a paragraph? Answer may vary. Writing a paragraph is just like making your own sandwich, the bread, the filling, veggies and everything in it. It start with the topic sentence, the details compose of 3 to 3. Describe it in the visual aids and explain more. And never to paragraph writing lesson plan pdf that the first sentence of every paragraph should always be indented.
Can somebody help me with this? call a student are you ready? Now what do you think is the topic sentence? Do the same thing with all the other mixed sentence part.
That was perfect! Very good! And this is the paragraph form of it. Student will sit. Before we practice for some more here are some terms To remember read the visual aid and explain further. S V O The boykickedthe ball. In the following sentences, paragraph writing lesson plan pdf, note the form of the verb when the subject is the doer of the action. A student wrote the winning essay. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
The chef prepared a delicious meal.
ESL - Paragraph writing - The Burger Method
, time: 5:36A detailed lesson plan on paragraph writing
This lesson is important in teaching students how to apply the writing process to develop organized paragraphs using the six traits of writing, scaffolding into writing. The six traits of writing will be used to help the students to revise for word choice, sentence structure, style, conventions, organization, and overall development 4 DESCRIPTIVE WRITING Writing Lesson Plan Title: Descriptive Paragraph Time Frame: 50 minute lesson Assumptions: Students have learned basic parts of speech (verb, pronoun, adjective) in previous lessons. Materials Needed • More About the USA text • Writing Power 1 text • Beach or other distinctive place picture (See Appendix A) paragraph outline unrelated i tr det hu clinche topi sent name Organizing Paragraph Ideas Practice Worksheet 1 Create outlines for the possible paragraphs below, based on the topic sentences. Remember that the outlining process is just the preliminary stage of the writing plan. You do not need to write complete sentences—just ideas
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